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Amalgam Recycling

MET is the leader in full service medical waste disposal. This is why we offer amalgam recycling in addition to all of our other disposal solutions including sharps disposal, regulated medical waste, and more.

We're the Amalgam Recycling Leader

Let Us Help You Improve Your Safety and Compliance

Dental amalgam waste is defined as the silver-colored material used to fill and restore teeth that have cavities. It is made up of two nearly equal parts of liquid mercury and a powder containing silver, tin, copper, zinc and other materials. Liquid mercury is a hazardous material and must be either recycled or properly disposed of as hazardous waste. These items include, but are not limited to: chair-side traps, amalgam separators and filters, contact amalgam, non-contact amalgam, empty amalgam capsules, scrap amalgam and extracted teeth with amalgam fillings.Proper recycling and disposal of dental amalgam waste is required by State and Federal agencies. MET offers a complete line of amalgam waste recycling containers and disposal options.

With MET Get Access to

MET Account Management Portal

24/7 customer portal to make payments, view schedules, and more.

Regulatory Training & Expertise

MET customers get access to educational training important time sensitive topics, including OSHA and HIPAA compliance.

Our Trusted Specialists

We manage tons of amalgam waste annually for thousands of organizations across the United States all while keeping compliance with current regulations.

Talk to Our Amalgam Recycling Expert Today

Request a quote or call (619) 448-2000 to start saving on your amalgam recycling today.

Why MET for Your Amalgam Recycling?

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