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What's an Infectious Waste and Why is it Dangerous?

Waste management is a serious challenge in the veterinary and healthcare industries. There are different types of waste, and each type has its risks and costs of disposal. Infectious waste is discussed in detail in this article.

What comprises of infectious waste?

According to the World Health Organization, infectious waste is any waste that is contaminated with bodily fluids or infectious materials from the laboratories. Waste from patients in hospital wards is also considered to be infectious.
In short, infectious waste comes from animal and human healthcare activities. A significant proportion of clinical waste is radioactive or toxic. Therefore, it is considered to be dangerous.

How to manage infectious waste

You will spend more when disposing of infectious waste. Therefore, you should manage the waste properly right from the source. Place the approved waste bins in your premises. Then train your staff on how to use the appropriate bin when disposing of the waste. In doing so, you will achieve a good waste segregation policy.

Dangers of infectious waste.

Infectious waste is dangerous because it poses numerous health risks to individuals and the surrounding. The waste may contain toxic or radioactive materials. Therefore, it may cause radiation burns, thermal injuries, and injuries resulting from sharp objects suspended in the waste, chemical burns, and air pollution.

Final Thought

Infectious waste refers to the waste that is contaminated with infectious materials from laboratories or bodily fluids. This type of waste may contain toxic or radioactive materials. Therefore, it is dangerous to the environment and human health.