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What are the Effects of Improper Medical Waste Disposal?


The medical community is always careful when disposing of medical waste. There are protocols, guidelines, and instructions that must be followed by all medical practitioners when disposing of waste. However, medical officers are always busy so that the protocols can be purposely or accidentally omitted. Medical organizations and employees need to understand that there are many negative consequences of improper medical waste disposal. If medical waste is not handled effectively, they pose a massive threat to the environment.

How does biomedical waste affect the environment?Improper disposal of medical waste has adverse effects on the environment, which are dangerous to people, soil, animals, and water sources. Improper waste disposal can contaminate water sources, which bring infectious diseases to animals and humans. From hospital waste to storage receptacles to landfills, medical waste needs to be appropriately covered or packed to keep it away from rodents, stray animals, or birds.

This will ensure that diseases don't spread to animals and humans through water, air, and land.  Moreover, improper disposal of medical waste can also contaminate the air we breathe through airborne diseases. Radioactive particles present in medical waste disposal can quickly get into the environment or air. Air pollutants can be present in areas where people live, causing infectious diseases. Medical waste management is a critical issue globally. This is based on the fact that medical waste requires a lot of attention in terms of disposal. All medical practitioners should be careful in generating, collecting, segregation, transport, and disposal of medical waste.