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How Medical Waste is Getting Worse Amid the Pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, there has been a rapid increase in the quantity of medical waste. One in every four healthcare facilities lack basic waste management services. Most of the medical waste comes from discarded personal protective equipment and other medical kits. The following shows how medical waste has increased due to COVID-19.

1. Production of large numbers of personal protective equipment. There is massive production of disposable personal protective equipment such as face masks, gloves, and overalls. Medical waste such as one-use masks used by health workers and COVID patients should be sterilized and burnt in specific areas- which is usually not the case.

2. Waste management companies and labor. Waste management companies and healthcare facilities are out of date and may even lack the right equipment to handle medical waste. Also, there is shortage of workers in waste management companies meant to handle this waste. This is because of the WHO guidelines meant to control the spread of the virus. In addition, some of the companies have closed with the aim to protect their workers from the risks of getting COVID 19.

3. Handling of waste. Furthermore, there are disposable masks, gloves and other protective gear worn by people who are asymptomatic or were not treated in healthcare facilities. These gears end up being mixed with household waste which is unsafe. This puts at risk garbage disposal workers and the community at large of getting COVID 19.


There should be implementation and standardization of waste management systems to reduce the risk of transmission. The whole management system must be considered to reduce the impact of medical waste. Medical waste related to COVID-19 should be disposed in a timely, orderly, and harmless manner to reduce the spread of this virus.