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Biggest Challenges in Medical Waste Management

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One of the most significant difficulties that hospitals and clinics face has a lot to do with medical waste management. Medical waste disposal constitutes around 20% of a medical facilitys annual budget. Although only 15% of the total of medical waste is considered to be hazardous, toxic or infectious, the whole bulk still has to be handled with care which could be a challenge. 

This is why there are a lot of imposed standards on how these waste should be handled. However, the two significant challenges in medical waste management are still yet to be adequately addressed. These challenges are the following: 

  • Health Risk
  • The 15% of hazardous, toxic and infectious medical waste still poses a lot of danger to the health of medical professionals and ordinary people. This is because there are still some who irresponsibly dispose of medical waste. This causes healthy people to be contaminated with disease and infection. 

    Although preventive measures have been imposed to avoid this, we still see news of people getting sick due to improper medical waste management.  



  • Environmental Impacts
  • Improperly disposed medical waste can cause waters to be polluted and lands to be contaminated. Some medical waste also contains a chemical substance that can be dangerous to animals and plants. This is why medical waste must have the proper treatments before disposal.