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Infection Control- Your Healthcare Facility’s Top Priority

hand washing
Any organization should make infection control a top priority, but more so in schools, hospitals, clinics, dental surgeries, vet practices and body art shops. Measures need to be put into place to protect patients, visitors and workers in these facilities. The CDC says that 1 in every 20 hospitalized patients will acquire a healthcare associated infection.

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to prevent the spread of infection is to practice hand hygiene. All facilities need to have access to clean, running water and soap. Those involved in wound care and surgical procedures need access to disposable gloves as well.

The “clean in, clean out” system is a good one to institute in hospitals and clinics. Hands and all equipment are cleansed and disinfected before going into the patient’s room and again before leaving.

 A common source of infection transmission is surfaces. Some bacteria can survive on environmental surfaces for months. When personnel or patients touch these surfaces, the pathogens are transmitted. The environment must be cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. It’s important that cleaning staff are educated about how vital their role is so that they can relate good housekeeping with infection control.

Efficient and safe waste disposal is vital for good infection control. Waste needs to be segregated and safely removed from the premises by the relevant teams.